Oct 20, 2011

[World Mission Society Church of God]What the Heresy is.

The only standard to determine heresy is the Bible.
World Mission Society Church of God is true church which follows teachings of the Bible.

Many people have a misunderstanding of what the heresy is nowadays. Once they find a man practicing doctrines different from their own, they likely think he belongs to a heresy. We are not supposed to judge others by our own thoughts, social standards, or popular opinions. We must understand what heresy is through the Bible.

2Pe. 2:1~3 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who brought them-bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.

The main characteristics of heresy are as follows;

1. It results in destruction.
2. It brings the way of truth into disrepute.
3. It follows man-made teachings, not the teachings of the Bible.
4. It opposes God through the teachings of false prophets.
5. It never leads to salvation.
What does the Bible say about heresy? It does not follow teachings of the Bible, but man-made teachings instead.   

1. Heresy does not keep the Sabbath in the Bible.

The Biblical Sabbath is Saturday. Every church must worship God on Saturday, not on Sunday. There are some proofs.
• "… The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday" (The Faith of Our Fathers, pp. 7273).
• "The first day of the week [Sunday] was proclaimed as a day of rest and of worship … In 321 A.D. Constantine …" (The Story of the Christian Church, pp. 6061).

Jesus also testifies the Sabbath day is His custom in the Bible. Jesus kept the Sabbath day as an example so that we should do as He did.

Lk. 4:16 ... on the Sabbath day he [Jesus] went into the synagogue, as was his custom. ...
Jn. 13:15 I [Jesus] have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

2. Heresy does not celebrate the Passover in the Bible.

The Passover is God's truth that gives us the forgiveness of sins and judges all other gods. Those who do not keep it will be cut off from God's people on the last day.

Mt. 26:17~28 ... This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
Jn. 6:54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
Ex. 12:11~13 ... it is the LORD’s Passover. “On the same night … I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. ... when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.
Nu. 9:13 But if a man fails who is ceremonially clean and not on a journey fails to celebrate the Passover, that person must be cut off from his people ...

3. Heresy keeps Christmas [Dec. 25th] as Jesus' birthday.

Most contemporary Christians keep Christmas [Dec. 25th] as Jesus' birthday. In fact, Christmas is one of many pagan festivals not in the Bible.

• "The Christian church took over many pagan ideas and images. From sun-worship, for example, came the celebration of Christ's birth on the twenty-fifth of December, the birthday of the Sun” (A LION HANDBOOK / THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY, p. 141).
• "December 25―this was the date of a pagan festival in Rome, chosen in A.D. 274 by the emperor Aurelian as the birthday of the unconquered sun (natalis solis invicti), which at the winter solstice begins again to show an increase of light" (ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, p. 704).

4. Heresy reveres a cross, an idol, from pagan Rome.

Cross is a type of execution tool used for crucifying brutal criminals, and is not the symbol of Jesus Christ.  

The standard of heresy is the Bible only. However most of Christians don't follow it. 2,000 years ago, Jesus and His Church of God were wrongfully accused as a Nazarene sect, one of the heresies (Ac. 24:5). However, most people acknowledge Jesus as their Christ. Likewise, the whole world will acknowledge Christ Ahnsahnghong and the Church of God in the end. Come to the Church of God and receive salvation.


  1. Right~!Heresy follows man-made teachings, not the teachings of the Bible.

  2. Thank you~
    I can fully understand about the heresy.

  3. The BIBLICAL SABBATH begins on Friday evening and ends Saturday evening. it is funny that the WMSCOG are actually worshipping after sunset of Saturday evening and breaking their fundamental law of Sabbath. As We know of the bible tells that Sabbath is profaned not due to WORSHIP but if you disobey the commandment i.e observe rest. Sabbath means rest and not Worship and to keep Sabbath Holy means to avoid unnecessary work or travel. The bible tells us that |Sabbath was made for good of man but man was not made for sabbath| You replace the word Sabbath at first with |rest| and then replace it with |worship|. It is very clear that Bible talks about keeping the sabbath Holy by resting. There is nothing wrong in Worshipping God everyday and for that matter on a Sunday, Saturday or any other day. What is important i that we worhip the true God and not some false god called Ahnsahngong who is rotting in the grave.

  4. About the PASSOVER, In the Gospel of John, it is clear that Jesus had his last meal on the day before Passover. And the Blessing of the bread and wine is the new covenant. Jesus came not to do away with the law but to fulfill. Jesus has not changed the passover from the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb to the blessing of bread and wine. Jesus died on the Passover and was the sacrificial Lamb, as he is rightly called in the bible as the "Lamb of God", The Act in all the Christian faith of bread and wine is well known as the "Last Supper". Even in the Corinthians, it is mentioned that the disciples used to gather and meet to partake in the Lord's Supper and not the Passover. Jesus has himself said that Everytime the bread and wine is blessed and celebrated, it is done in memory of Jesus Christ and not as a symbolism of the Passover.

    In the other 3 Gospels, Jesus has made his intentions that he was "Eager to eat this passover meal" but in the following line he says that he will not eat it untill the passover is given its full meaning in the Kingdom of God.

    As we all know that the Kingdom of God has not come. Also we know that Jesus said he will not drink the wine until he drinks again in the Kingdom of God. We know that the Scriptures tell the truth.
    If Ahnsahngong has celebrated in the bread and wine and drank the wine, he clearly has contradicted the bible and the words of Jesus. And if they are preaching that he has established the passover by the bread and wine, then it is a different Doctrine, a Different Christ and a False Christ and proves the followers are blindly following a cult. They are fundamentally breaking the first commandment of worshipping a false God.

  5. The Bible teaches us that the Cross is a blessing to us. it is a blessing because we have received our salvation through the death of Jesus Christ who died for our sins. By dying on the cross and taking the curse on himself, Jesus has given us the blessing.
    Ahnsahngong in his lifetime has not performed and miracles. He himself had to rely on spectacles to see clearly. The Bible tells us that the eyes of the person if that person cannot see properly himself how can he be a light to others. In the neighbourhood, one person had evil spirit. one of the WMSCOG members shouted at the evil spirit "Come out of the person in the name of Ahnsahngong". It was shocking that the evil spirit asked "who is this Ahnsahngong". Then someone said" in the name of Jesus Christ" come out and the evil spirit became hysterical and came out. There is no other name then "Jesus Christ" which can save us and heal us.
